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Adestra launches new automation feature

Adestra, a provider of email marketing solutions, yesterday announced that their newest feature, the Marketing Automation Program Builder, is now in general availability.

Included in the MessageFocus SaaS platform, this powerful new feature allows marketers to quickly and easily create sophisticated, personalized, multi-campaign marketing programs in a clear, easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface, says Adestra.

The Automation Program Builder enables real-time reaction to customer behaviour and increased personalization, improving customer dialogue and true 1:1 marketing, and empowering marketers to drive better customer relationships and incremental revenue streams across their business.

The tool is fully integrated with Adestra’s MessageFocus email marketing technology.

The Automation Program Builder features a zoomable, drag-and-drop interface, and thumbnail representations of campaign content, so marketers can easily see at-a-glance the journey their customers are taking through any given program.

It also leverages the integration and filtering technology already available in MessageFocus, with the ability to add and progress subscribers through programs based on contact and transactional data from MessageFocus and other marketing or commerce systems, as well as tailoring the customer journey via email response data, enabling real-time behavioral personalisation of content.

According to Adestra, the powerful real-time live-counter gives marketers a clear picture within the program workflow of exactly how many subscribers are at a given stage at any time, and allows them to take additional actions with those program members, directly from within the interface, providing the ability to adjust their marketing on the fly, to achieve the best possible ROI.

“This is a very exciting release for us” said Adestra CEO, Henry Hyder-Smith, “and is the result of a dedicated process of customer collaboration and marketplace analysis, to ensure we’re delivering technology that’s bringing value to our customers, and solving their challenges of delivering just the right message, at just the right time, through their email channel.”

“We have plans to put together an EIP (Extremely Important Person) program,” said Adestra client, Mandy Berry at Harrod Horticultural, “which will involve a journey of highly personalised, triggered emails to our very best customers. Being able to build it quickly and efficiently, and measuring the results in real-time through the MessageFocus Automation Program Builder are going to be key in making this project a success.”