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Air Business to distribute Riviera’s international titles

Maritime and offshore industries specialist Riviera Maritime Media have awarded the contract to distribute its international publications to Air Business.

Air Business secured the business after demonstrating it could deliver significant savings based on both service enhancement and cost reductions. Air Business now provides a full distribution service, from data processing to fulfilment and international distribution, says the company.

Each of Riviera’s 12 titles feature authoritative worldwide coverage on the maritime trade. It initially only moved half of its titles to Air Business but Neal Sudbury, Distribution Manager for Riviera, was so impressed by the company’s process flows upon his visit to its St Albans operational site that he transferred all of the remaining distribution to the business.

Air Business has subsequently overseen the registration of periodical service in key markets, bringing enhanced delivery. It also handles all returns, ensuring peak efficiency for the controlled circulation magazines.

Neal Sudbury, Distribution Manager for Riviera Maritime Media, said: “During the quotation process Air Business promised a better quality and more cost-effective service. They have certainly delivered on their promise. The transition has been smooth and I was so impressed with Air Business’ operations that, instead of moving half our titles on a trial basis, I have consolidated all our distribution with the company. We are now seeing fantastic efficiencies across all our international titles.”

Mark Everitt, Head of Strategic Accounts for Air Business, added: “Riviera’s readership is a truly international one. Through our optimised routing system and industry expertise, we have devised the best service for each of its influential titles to ensure that they arrive with their readers quickly and to budget.”