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Alix Kroeger and Megan Gibson to join New Statesman

The New Statesman has announced two new senior hires to its growing international team under Jeremy Cliffe.

Alix Kroeger and Megan Gibson to join New Statesman
Megan Gibson.

Alix Kroeger joins as International Managing Editor from the BBC, where she is Senior Journalist. Kroeger has reported from the Balkans, Afghanistan, Prague and Brussels for BBC World TV and the World Service, was Launch Editor for BBC News Serbian and has led the BBC’s international edition, one of the biggest news sites in the world. She will manage the New Statesman’s international edition, leading planning, commissioning and editing, and work on international strategy.

Kroeger said: “I’m very excited to be joining the New Statesman at a time of expansion and increased ambition. There is great potential to build an international audience for the thoughtful and considered journalism of the New Statesman, and I’m looking forward to being part of that effort.”

Megan Gibson joins as Senior Editor, International from Monocle. Previously she worked in the New York and London bureaus of Time Magazine and for the New York Times. Gibson has been with Monocle since 2015 and as Foreign Editor she has commissioned and edited the magazine’s global affairs coverage, managed a network of international contributors and contributed to the brand's podcasts.

At the New Statesman she will write, commission, edit articles and features, host audio-visual output and lead new editorial projects. Gibson said: “This is such an exciting time to be joining the New Statesman's fantastic - and growing - international team. I can't wait to build on its already smart and insightful coverage of the events, people and forces shaping today's world.”

Alix Kroeger.

Both Kroeger and Gibson will report to Jeremy Cliffe, the New Statesman’s International Editor. He said: “In Alix and Megan the New Statesman is gaining two world-class editors with a wealth of accumulated expertise and ideas for the future. In the past 18 months we have shown that our new international operation can punch above its weight. The arrival of Alix and Megan marks a new phase that is yet more ambitious, far-reaching and global.”

Jason Cowley, Editor-in-Chief of the New Statesman, said: "Enhanced international coverage is essential to our expansion plans. We are making very good progress and I am particularly pleased with the success of our new product launches such as the World Review newsletter and podcast. Alix and Megan are excellent journalists and I look forward to welcoming them to our award-winning team."

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