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Runner’s World UK announces Sophie Raworth as new columnist

BBC broadcaster Sophie Raworth has signed up for a new column ‘Raworth on the Run’ as Runner’s World UK celebrates its 30th anniversary.

Runner’s World UK announces Sophie Raworth as new columnist
Sophie Raworth: "I look forward to sharing my late-found love of running with the readers of Runner’s World.”

UK running media brand, Runner’s World, will today feature the first in a new series of columns authored by BBC News broadcaster and keen runner, Sophie Raworth. The new series, called ‘Raworth on the Run’, launches in the October issue of the magazine, and will see Sophie talk about her relationship with running, its role in building confidence and how preparing for a marathon has set her up for broadcasting live around big events, added the publisher.

Runner’s World UK, which is this year marking its 30th anniversary, says it offers advice on training, nutrition, health, injury prevention, gear and races, as well as stories about how running has transformed people’s lives.

BBC broadcaster and journalist, Sophie, took up running while on maternity leave in 2006 and has since completed all six World Marathon Majors (London, New York, Chicago, Boston, Berlin and Tokyo), as well as the notorious Marathon des Sables.

Sophie Raworth said: “I got into my running stride in my forties, surprising myself by getting faster with age. Surprising too has been how much running has built up not only my physical strength, but my confidence as well, which has carried over into all areas of my life. I have found myself using techniques I have learnt from endurance running to get me through some of the big live broadcasts I have done for the BBC over the years. From dealing with pre-race nerves to pacing big events well and fuelling up with Haribos on election nights – running has taught me a lot. I look forward to sharing my late-found love of running with the readers of Runner’s World.”

Rick Pearson, senior editor, Runner’s World UK, added: “We’re delighted to announce Sophie Raworth as our latest Runner’s World columnist. A dedicated marathoner and ultramarathoner, Sophie is deeply passionate and knowledgeable about distance running – and inspiring people of all ages to lace up their trainers and get out there. We’re sure her “Raworth on the Run” column is going to quickly become a must-read among our audience.”

The publisher says the October issue of Runner’s World UK, featuring the new column series, ‘Raworth on the Run’, is on sale from 31August.

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