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Archant Dialogue appoints new MD

Archant has appointed Mick Hurrell as managing director of its customer publishing agency, Archant Dialogue.

Mick Hurrell (pictured) joins Archant Dialogue from the board of London-based publishing agency Wardour, where he was Publishing Director and worked with world-leading clients in the fields of finance, technology, professional services and tourism.

He previously worked for advertising agency owned publishers Publicis Blueprint and Interfocus Publishing, part of the Lowe Howard Spink group.

Leading Archant Dialogue, Mick brings a wealth of experience from a rich and varied client portfolio including businesses in the finance sector: HSBC, BNP Paribas, Ernst & Young, and Lloyds TSB; as well as Microsoft, ITV and Visit Britain. Formerly a specialist writer, magazine editor and radio broadcaster, for the past 11 years he has been a successful publishing director at leading multimedia customer publishing agencies in London.

Mick says: “I am thrilled to have inherited from former MD Bob Crawley a great agency team which is producing outstanding multi-media work for our clients. This is an excellent base on which to expand and build Dialogue’s next five years of growth.

“Print will continue to be at the core of our publishing services to clients, but development of digital content will be an important element of our growth – including video and interactive channels.”

Archant Lifestyle managing director, Johnny Hustler said:  “Archant Dialogue is a great business, with a reputation for quality that our competitors envy. Mick instinctively uses every available platform to deliver results that exceed a client’s expectations and we are thrilled to have hired him. I will be amazed if he doesn’t quickly pick up new clients.”