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Archant Dialogue wins motorbike mag contract

Having lots of motorbike riders on the team has helped magazine publisher Archant Dialogue secure the contract to produce the quarterly Motorcycle Rider Magazine for members of the British Motorcyclists Federation.

Motorcycle Rider is distributed to individual members and to affiliated clubs with the first edition due out at the end of February.

Archant Dialogue MD Mick Hurrell has ridden motorcycles since the age of 16 and currently rides a Yamaha R6. Editorial director Zoë Francis-Cox (pictured) has been riding for five years and spends most weekends happily ensconced in her garage, customising her beloved Harley-Davidson Fat Boy. At the other end of the spectrum, Group Editor Amy Nicholson is currently swotting up for her motorcycle theory test before starting lessons at the end of the month.

BMF chairman Anna Zee said: "The membership of the BMF is a broad and varied community and as we determined in a survey last year, their wishes are quite specific. Archant now brings to the BMF talented writers, editors, designers and sales staff who will develop Rider to reflect those wishes and by us improving dialogue with our membership, the BMF can only become stronger."

Zoë said: "Between us, we've got the combination of editorial expertise and passion for biking that means we can take Motorcycle Rider into a new stage. I can't wait to see how members across the UK respond to our first issue!"

While already having access to a wealth of journalists and photographers, the team at Archant are also keen to forge strong links with the BMF's member network to ensure Rider is always relevant, interesting and up-to-date.

For five years, the Archant Dialogue team has worked with Harley-Davidson Europe, Middle East and Africa on a huge range of their marketing and communication materials, including their membership magazine, event materials and an interactive web resource comprising photo galleries, a ride planner and a news feed. Between them, the team have attended more than 50 biking rallies and events across Europe. The advertising team, led by Sam Overton, has strong links with the major manufacturers and suppliers throughout the biking world. They are experts, says Archant, at sourcing the right advertisers and products to support the magazine's aims and content.