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Bloomberg launches new magazine

Bloomberg Markets magazine is launching its first spin-off, also Bloomberg's first luxury title - Bloomberg Pursuits magazine - this week.

Bloomberg Markets has the second highest business magazine circulation in Europe with 180,000 subscribers. The average EMEA reader income is €97,772, the highest of all business and financial publications, claims Bloomberg.

One unique editorial aspect of the spin-off - Bloomberg Pursuits writes about and profiles the expensive lifestyles of its own readers. Clothes, boats, cars, and homes will be a major part of the editorial.

Bloomberg Markets' senior editor Vince Bielski oversees the editorial and says: “The stories are there to be told. Bloomberg Markets stories contain fascinating bits and pieces of our readers’ lifestyles. We saw a great editorial opportunity to capture these daring, risk-taking individuals who we found bring the same intensity to their personal lives that they bring to financial markets.”

The biannual title launches with a circulation of 375,000 worldwide - that's the new 2012 rate base for the magazine. It is sent to every reader, 97% of whom are Bloomberg Professional Service users (aka "the terminal").

According to EMS 2010, 96% of Markets' EMEA readers don't read The Wall Street Journal Europe, 95% don't read Fortune or Forbes, 98% don't read the Financial Times, and 87% don't read The Economist. So they have this audience completely to themselves.

The launch issue contains 46 editorial pages and 30 advertising pages with advertisers including Hermes, Chanel, Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Cartier, Vertu, Porche.

Bloomberg Pursuits is released this week along with the March 2012 issue of Bloomberg Markets.