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Caspian moves subscriptions fulfilment to ESco

ESco has announced that it is now working for Caspian Media and is looking after subscriptions for three B2B publications.

The migration from Caspian's previous bureau has now been succesfully completed and ESco is now live handling customer services, processing orders and providing on-going support and account management on the following B2B titles:

* Automotive Engineer

* Professional Engineering

* The Marine Professional

Alongside this ESco have launched an eCommerce site for Caspian Media allowing the sales of subscriptions and back issues. This launch builds on ESco's eCommerce platform and includes functionality for handling complex VAT rules, back issue sales and a slick user journey, says ESco.

“ESco is very much looking forward to working with the team at Caspian Media and faciliating some of the ideas they have to grow their subscriptions on these titles,” says ESco managing director Susan Duffin.