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Craig Nayman Appointed Chairman of Local Commercial Board

Craig Nayman, chief commercial officer for Archant, has been appointed chairman of the News Media Association’s Local Commercial Board.

As chairman of the Board, Craig’s remit will be to oversee the local media sector’s collective marketing and commercial activity, conducted through Local Media Works.

The activity covers areas such as local media audience measurement, initiatives such as Local Business Accelerators and Local Newspaper Week, as well as industry-owned commercial platforms such as Featurelink, advertiser and agency dialogue, and research and promotion.

Craig, who has more than 35 years' experience in advertising, is responsible for Archant’s sales and commercial activities across the UK. The regional publisher reported its first increase in revenues and profits in eight years last year.

Craig takes over with immediate effect from Blanche Sainsbury, commercial director at Trinity Mirror Regionals, who has decided to stand down as chair.

Speaking of his new role, Craig said: “I am sure all local members will join me in thanking Blanche for her energy, time and commitment on behalf of the industry.

“I am looking forward to working with the team and fellow members of the commercial board to deliver on the industry’s objectives and build on the success that Local Media Works has achieved to date. It’s an exciting time for local media – a sector that is continuing to grow – as we know that the value and quality of local news is still highly relevant and effective.”