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Creative Review to launch iPad app

Following on from Apple approving the Creative Review iPad app, the app will go live on the app store on the 1st July.

Over 1200 people have taken the time to pre-register their interest in buying the app thus far, and with worldwide sales of iPads now set to achieve 45 million by the end of this calendar year, the potential power of this new medium to bring the brand of Creative Review to a greatly enhanced audience remains extremely exciting, say publishers Centaur.

The app will be available to purchase as a stand alone product through the app store as a single download of one month’s content, or on subscription for 6 or 12 months. It will also be made available as part of a “brand bundle” subscription to Creative Review via their own website. Current print subscribers to the title will be given free access to the app for the remainder of their subscription term, and then upsold a bundle subscription at the time of renewal.

Centaur is also developing iPad apps for a range of its other titles with Design Week and New Media Age next in line to go live.