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Dave Schilling joins Guardian US as writer-at-large

Guardian US this week announced that humorist and former Grantland writer, editor and podcast host Dave Schilling has joined as writer-at-large.

In his new role, Dave Schilling (@dave_schilling) will write on a broad range of themes relating to culture, politics, sports and the internet – and the many intersections therein – while bringing humor and originality to the cross-cultural debates of the day.

Schilling, who lives in Los Angeles, joins a growing stable of writers and editors based in California. Prior to his work at ESPN and Bill Simmons’s sports and pop culture website, Grantland, he wrote the “This Week in Racism” column for and contributed to the magazine. He is also the author of the collection of humor essays, Letters from My Therapist.

Commenting on Schilling’s appointment, Guardian US editor Lee Glendinning said: “Dave is an incredibly talented and funny writer who will bring acerbic wit to everything from Donald Trump to the Williams sisters, from the culture of the internet to the latest must-binge TV series. He is fantastic at taking a moment in pop culture and dissecting in a clever and important way.”

Dave Schilling said: “I am absolutely thrilled to be joining the Guardian, a bastion of independent journalism and a safe haven for progressive social satire. It’s an honor to be writing for the same outlet that has published humorists like Charlie Brooker and David Mitchell, and I look forward to bringing that sensibility to an American audience. Between the presidential election and the latest season of The Bachelor, I doubt I’ll run out of things to be apoplectic about.”

In addition to writing for, and the Guardian’s UK-based print edition, Schilling will contribute video, podcast and mobile journalism as the Guardian continues to expand its storytelling across digital media.

Schilling’s first column is published here.