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Emily Hutchings appointed NME publishing director

IPC Inspire managing director Paul Williams has announced the appointment of Emily Hutchings as publishing director for NME,, Uncut and

Currently publisher for IPC Connect’s Now, and Soaplife, Emily’s move to Inspire will see her reunited with two brands she knows well, having previously held key publishing roles on both. She will replace Paul Cheal, who is moving to become digital publishing director across IPC Media.

Emily (pictured) joined IPC in June 2002 as a marketing assistant within IPC Ignite, becoming marketing executive of NME and Uncut a year later. She was then promoted to associate publisher of Uncut and Loaded, before stepping up to publisher of NME and in September 2006. Two years later, Emily moved to Connect to become acting publisher of Look and Now and was appointed publisher of Now and in January 2009. Later that year, Emily’s achievements received industry-wide recognition when she was presented with the coveted Felix Dennis New Publisher of the Year Award and in May this year, she took on additional publishing responsibility for Soaplife.

Paul Williams says: “I’m delighted to welcome someone of Emily’s talent and experience to Inspire at what is an exciting time for our music brands. With its multi-platform proposition, NME is at the forefront of many of IPC’s print and digital innovations, while imminent developments are also in the pipeline for both Uncut and With her impressive track record in the competitive woman’s weekly sector allied to the in-depth knowledge she already has of both music brands, I can’t think of a better person to drive their development.”

Emily adds: “Both NME and Uncut are very close to my heart and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to work with both teams again. Paul has done a fantastic job in pushing the brands forward and I can’t wait to take up the challenge of furthering this momentum and success.”

Emily’s starting date will be announced in due course.