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Evening Standard announces two promotions

The Evening Standard has announced promotions for Jack Lefley and Neil Hunter.

Evening Standard announces two promotions
Jack Lefley (on the left) and Neil Hunter.

Jack Lefley has been promoted to Deputy Editor (News). Jack has been at the Evening Standard for 14 years and worked in many capacities across the operation, most recently as Executive Editor and Head of News. He will continue to oversee news on all of the Evening Standard’s platforms while stepping up to take on a broader range of editing and management responsibilities.

Neil Hunter has been promoted to Associate Editor (Digital Operations). Neil has been instrumental in the company’s pivot to digital first working, delivering a new CMS and retraining the entire team to work across platforms, say the publishers. He will continue to evolve the brand’s digital offering, introducing a range of innovations to help the business operate more effectively, and retains responsibility for the team’s digital training requirements.

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