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FT launches EM Squared

The Financial Times yesterday launched EM Squared, a data-driven news and analysis service focused on emerging markets.

Created in response to strong demand for emerging markets coverage, EM Squared offers readers investment insight into the major trends affecting developing economies as defined by the MSCI emerging markets index, says the FT.

Jonathan Wheatley, editor of FT’s EM Squared said: “EM Squared deepens the FT’s existing emerging markets coverage, sourcing data from expert titles in the FT Group and elsewhere. It enhances our offering for busy readers who want choice and a more personalised service, giving high quality original analysis on the most important economic issues in the Brics and beyond.”

EM Squared will publish more than a dozen stories per week from Monday to Friday, and feature content from the FT’s global network of correspondents. It will be available on, and on smartphones and tablets via the FT web app (

The service is part of the FT’s premium subscription proposition which includes the Lexcolumn, Martin Sandbu’s daily economic newsletter and emails such as Editors Choice, Best of Lex and NewsMine.