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Future appoints Managing Director – Media

Future has appointed Julian March as Managing Director – Media. Julian will have responsibility for the organisation’s Media division.

Julian was previously Senior Vice-President Digital at NBC News where, among other achievements, he launched the world’s first cross-platform newsroom collaboration tool. Prior to joining NBC News in January 2014, he was Director of Online at ITV, where he established digital as a profitable business unit for the broadcaster, says Future.

Julian spent 11 years at Sky News as Executive Producer of the channel’s output on TV and digital and then as Head of Digital. He also spearheaded the newsroom’s transformation to a multi-platform organisation.

At Future, Julian will play a key role in shaping and nurturing the organisation’s digital expansion. He will initially be based in New York before relocating to the UK in early 2017.

Julian, Future Managing Director – Media, commented: “Future is in an exciting place right now and I am thrilled and honoured to be joining such a talented team.

“The team has already made a successful digital transformation. I’m looking forward to keeping up the momentum and taking it to the next level.”

Zillah Byng-Thorne, Future Chief Executive, commented: “I’m extremely pleased to welcome Julian. This is a key role in our strategy, allowing us to capitalise on the ever-changing market and to streamline our activities.

“Julian comes with a wealth of experience in the UK and the US. I can’t wait to see him apply this international outlook while leading our rapid growth in digital.”