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New MD for Private Eye

Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical, news and current affairs magazine, has appointed Geoff Elwell to be their new managing director.

New MD for Private Eye

Elwell, 56, has worked as finance director at Private Eye for over 20 years and has been a key part of the successful management team, says the publisher.

Commentating on his promotion, Elwell said, “I am excited to be taking over as MD, at a great time to be publishing the UK’s best-selling magazine in the news and current affairs sector.”

He added, “Hopefully there is no confusion when I say MD, as I don’t mean replacing our long-standing medical correspondent MD, Dr Phil Hammond!”

Elwell succeeds the long serving Sheila Molnar, 73, who is stepping down as managing director but will remain as a director for the company.

Editor Ian Hislop, 63, said, “I am delighted that Geoff Elwell is to take over from Sheila Molnar.

“There was a big succession battle going on behind the scenes but in the end we couldn’t find anyone called Murdoch to take over so it’s going to be Geoff.”

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