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Gasworld migrates onto Abacus e-media’s new CXM platform

Monthly publication Gasworld has upgraded to Abacus e-media’s new CXM platform and relaunched their website with a fully responsive redesign.

Gasworld, a Webvision CMS client since 2011, is the only independent online news provider and information portal for the global industrial gas community. As a small B2B publisher facing the pressures of meeting the digital demands of their audience, Gasworld needed a platform that could provide them with tools to simultaneously engage with their audience across all devices and provide opportunities to grow digital revenue streams. The new Webvision Cloud CXM site provides Gasworld with the commercial platform to increase global subscription sales, including corporate subscriptions and print and digital bundles. The platform also allows them to increase advertising revenue through offering both native and traditional formats of advertising, says Abacus e-media.