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Global innovations highlighted in Informa’s 2013 CR Report

Informa’s 2013 CR report has been published giving details of the company’s sustainability programme. The programme, named by employees as “Louder than Words”, has 4 key priorities - Content, People, Environment and Community.

According to Informa, 2013 highlights group-wide include:

* The launch of Cogent OA, an innovative new Open Access publisher offering publications across a diverse set of fields

* Routledge continuing as one of the world’s leading book publishers on sustainability and environmental technologies, plus 10% of Informa’s largest events incorporating an element of sustainability into their content

* Boosted efforts to make content accessible to non-profit institutions and individuals in developing countries through initiatives such as Research4Life and Taylor & Francis’ STAR (Special Terms for Authors and Researchers) programme, contributing in turn to a significant increase in the number of individual authors from low-income countries we have published research from

* Reforecasting journal print runs in the UK using latest customer data reduced journal stock write-off by 25%, saving trees and money

* Two new Group-wide events developed and added to Informa’s employee wellness programme, including the February Fitness Challenge which saw 100 global teams get or keep fit with an incentive of giving £3k to charities of their choice and 21 days of Nutrition

* Ranked as 5th in Britain’s Top Employers in the “large company category”

* The inaugural Big Green Idea competition; an employee won with a cross-divisional product concept involving expertise across Informa’s businesses. Phase I will be launched in 2014.

Colette Bennion, CR Manager at Informa, says, “Our Content, the knowledge we provide, is central to everything we do. It is unique to us and is where our greatest risks and opportunities lie. We understand that our responsibility in this area includes ensuring our content is produced with integrity and quality, innovating to provide the best delivery platforms, bringing the topic of sustainability into the mainstream in our industries, plus making valuable knowledge available in developing countries where cost and access can be prohibitive”.