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Guardian launches Ad Manager

The Guardian has developed Ad Manager - a self service ad tool for small and medium sized businesses in the UK, which launched yesterday in beta.

Ad Manager was developed in collaboration with Danish company Densou to help SME businesses gain access to the Guardian’s quality environment and 160 million unique digital monthly browsers, says the Guardian.

It can offer hyper-targeted campaigns according to locality, vertical and audience - opening up the Guardian’s audience to a wider market, and many smaller businesses for the first time in a quick, simple process.

Commercial director Nick Hewat said: “Statistically SMEs make up around 50% of private sector turnover in the UK yet only represent 18% of ad spend - in part because they haven’t had the opportunity to access mainstream media channels like ours before. We’ve developed this ad tool to break down the barriers between smaller companies and the Guardian and will deliver relevant, effective and targeted campaigns for smaller businesses on our quality and trusted platforms.”

According to the publishers, the SME will submit the ad through the tool and they will see the ad live within 48 hours according to their campaign objectives. There is a small minimum spend, which will be entered into the standard programmatic auction. The ads will be subject to strict quality control procedures to ensure brand safety, security and quality and the Guardian reserves the right to reject ads.

Any customers can connect directly through the Ad Manager and any questions will be answered via live online chat.

Links / further reading: Ad Manager