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Guardian partners with Zurich for Life Navigator campaign

The Guardian and Zurich have announced the launch of Life Navigator, a six month campaign to raise awareness of the biggest financial considerations people face at key life stages.

The partnership, which brings together the expertise of Zurich and the Guardian's editorial Money team, features a range of cross-media platform activity and the launch of a new app.

Life Navigator presents Guardian readers with tools, advice and relevant Guardian Money editorial content that can help them make the right financial decisions now and in the future, says the Guardian.

Central to the campaign, which was planned in conjunction with Mindshare, is the Life Navigator web app, which invites users to select up to three life stages, before presenting them with a menu of relevant content.

Highlights include:

• Money guides and useful tools

• Infographics bringing key financial considerations to life

• An animated film highlighting the need to plan for the future

• In-depth advertorials written on behalf of Zurich

The web app – built by the Guardian Digital Agency - will sit on

Michael Tait, multimedia editor at Guardian News & Media, is also producing three powerful short films: a couple buying their first home together, a professional couple having their first child and a young carer coping with her mother's illness. Shot in an innovative stylised/observational documentary style, the films aim to capture the hopes, fears and life-changing decisions that characterise these watershed moments. The full-length films will sit on, and three-minute versions of each will be shown as shorts in UK cinemas and used as marketing collateral by Zurich.

Mia Barnes, Group Head of Brand Partnerships at Guardian News & Media, said: "This is a wonderfully visual and emotive campaign, which focuses on providing readers with useful and relevant financial information in a fun, engaging, and at times, poignant way. We are delighted to be working with Zurich and hope that the combination of expertise that the Guardian and Zurich has to offer will be of great benefit to our readers."

James Hill, Zurich's Head of Marketing for the UK Life business, said: "We are very enthusiastic about working in partnership with the Guardian on what is an important campaign for us. Getting people to think about financial matters and the need to protect themselves and their families is a real challenge. We know that financial protection is one of the things that can get neglected when there is pressure on household budgets, and it's vital that we find new ways of engaging people with the subject.

"We hope that the interactive nature of the campaign, the range of media we're using - and some hard hitting messages - will capture peoples' interest, and show how they can put plans in place to cover the potential financial impacts of the unforeseen events that could happen to any of us."