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Haymarket publishes Global Impact Report

Haymarket Media Group has published its inaugural Global Impact report, publicly showcasing progress, milestones and achievements since the launch of its redefined ESG agenda in 2023, as well as what’s to come.

Haymarket publishes Global Impact Report
Kevin Costello: “Impact has been a huge undertaking and I’m incredibly proud of our global workforce with just how quickly, proactively and effectively they have got behind our initiatives."

Haymarket Media Group says the past 16 months have seen its sustainability commitments accelerate on a unified scale, across everywhere it operates, as the business redefined its overarching Purpose to support its Impact strategy: Shaping a better future with Remarkable Content.

To ensure a clear focus and global direction, Haymarket Impact aligns closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on: Global Goal 4: Quality Education, Global Goal 5: Gender Equality, Global Goal 13: Climate Action and Global Goal 17. Partnerships for the Goals.

According to Haymarket, highlights include measuring the Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of its entire global businesses, the first step to achieving net zero emissions. The UK business became one of the first media companies to become ISO 20121 Certified on its live events, and retained its accreditation with its one year surveillance audit, part of the certification’s continuous progress requirement.

A global Content Audit has been instigated into editorial workflows and across Haymarket’s live events portfolio, to better understand how its external voice aligns with Impact and the role Haymarket’s brands play in positively influencing its specialist audiences. The past 12 months have seen Haymarket brands receive more than 2.5 millions views across its Impact content, and more than 10,000 attendees at its Impact tagged events.

Haymarket says it extended its UK Gender Pay Gap analysis across all its locations to transparently share with employees and became a Disability Confident Employer. Mandatory sustainability training has been rolled out to employees across the globe, with follow up action plans to help colleagues navigate how Impact feeds into everyone’s role.

Kevin Costello, global chief executive at Haymarket said yesterday: “Today’s report showcases our commitment to doing the right thing, holding ourselves accountable to internal and external stakeholders and demonstrating how we are working really hard to live by our Purpose. Impact has been a huge undertaking and I’m incredibly proud of our global workforce with just how quickly, proactively and effectively they have got behind our initiatives and the results are reflected in our many milestones and achievements.

“The next 12 months have some important milestones ahead for Impact as we continue our work to reduce our negative impact, increase our positive impact and strive to do the right thing for our audiences, clients, partners, employees, the future of our planet and the next generation of talent.”

Haymarket – which owns more than 70 brands including Campaign, What Car?, MyCME, GP and Asian Investor, has offices in the UK, US, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore and India. It operates across industries including live events, digital, education, data, tech services, audio. video and print, and the company says it has worked to ensure Haymarket Impact feeds into every sector and region in which it operates.

To learn more about Haymarket Impact click here.

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