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Incisive’s technology brands move to responsive websites and are the latest brands to be rolled out onto Incisive Media’s responsive digital platform.

The sites have been completely rebuilt from the ground up, ensuring the product works well across all devices, browsers and screen sizes.’s new navigation reflects current trending topics including Big Data, the Internet of Things and OpenSource, which in turn promotes the brand’s events programme. The site also now serves sponsored white papers where they are contextually relevant, designed to improve the quality of their native content experience.

Tom Wright, publisher of Computing says: “We’ve seen an immediate uplift in the ‘stickiness’ of the website, with the number of pages consumed per user increasing by over 30%, thereby giving us three clear benefits, a steep rise in page impressions, a marked improvement in readers registering for Computing events, and an increase in vendor white paper downloads; the new site is a success both in terms of user satisfaction and for Incisive commercially.” focused its efforts on promoting the people of the channel; showcasing key content on the home page, and promoting special reports ‘Top VARs’ and ‘The A-list’ on the top navigation.

To deliver better user data, the new website rewards registrants with access to deep-dive research, opinion and profile articles, as well as the ability to bookmark their favourite articles.

“The rebuilt is a genuine step forward. We really wanted to focus on aiding the discovery of content; we know that our audience are busy people,” says Alan Loader, group publishing director of Incisive’s technology portfolio.

The new websites have been redeveloped by Incisive Media’s in-house digital team, with significant input from editorial, sales and product teams, says Incisive.