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Launch: Toxic News? Covering Climate Change

A new book looking at how the media covers the issue of climate change, has just been published.

Launch: Toxic News? Covering Climate Change

‘Toxic News? Covering Climate Change’ is published by Bite-Sized Books and is available from Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and eBook formats.

Climate change is – or should be – the most gripping story around, say the publishers. The stakes could not be higher, there are some heroes and we are all players. So why are the two Cs - climate change - often an audience turn off, whether in print or broadcast?’ That’s one of the questions broadcaster Tom Heap asks in the preface to this new book, neatly summarising the media’s dilemma.

‘Toxic News?’ Is published against the backdrop of Rishi Sunak’s U-turn on net zero targets, COP 28 starting on 30 November, and the emergence of fully-fledged eco-scepticism.

Climate change and how to combat it will be one of the critical issues at the next UK General Election. How many good intentions or laws will be jettisoned on the way to electoral victory? Will the sceptics be gagged? How will the British media report it?

The book, which is edited by John Mair, John Ryley and Andrew Beck, brings together twenty-five journalists, commentators and academics to discuss the way the UK media has covered climate change so far. Contributors are: Robin Aitken, Matthew d’Ancona, Andrew Beck, Malcolm Bradbrook, Zoe Broughton, Maggie Brown, Philip Collins, Paul Connew, Prof Sir John Curtice, Stephen Cushion, Jon Fuller, Dr Alan Geere, Liz Gerard, Prof Philip Hammond, John Mair, Dr Steven McCabe, Prof Chris Paterson, Prof Julian Petley, John Ryley, Raymond Snoddy, Belinda Tyrrell, Dr Elke Weissmann, Christian Wolmar, Peter York and Ted Young.

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