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MacIntyre & Rantzen write for Moneywise

One of Britain’s leading personal finance publication, Moneywise is being revamped as of its October 2010 issue.

The magazine has a new design and layout and will adopt a more hard-edged focus on issues affecting UK consumers. It has brought two new regular columnists into the fold: investigative TV journalist Donal MacIntyre and leading consumer rights broadcaster Esther Rantzen.

Johanna Gornitzki, Moneywise editor, says: “Moneywise has always been a champion of consumer rights, but from now on we’re taking a harder and more active stance on issues facing people when it comes to their personal finances. It’s time to stand up for the rights of consumers and this is where the fight begins.”

“In Donal MacIntyre and Esther Rantzen we’ve recruited two big names that have a track record of challenging big consumer issues, but in very different ways. Donal will lead our fight against scammers while Esther will take a more personal look at the things that really infuriate consumers.”

“As part of the new approach, in October’s issue Moneywise kicks off its campaign against shoddy broadband providers. We’re calling on the new coalition government and the telecoms regulator Ofcom to clean up the broadband market and stop this rip-off once and for all.”

See a short video of Moneywise’s new columnists Donal MacIntyre and Esther Rantzen.