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Media Carrier wins Air Astana contract

Media Carrier has won the contract to provide its Media Box media library to the passengers of Kazakhstan's national airline.

Media Carrier wins Air Astana contract
Aigerim Zhambyl: “Media Carrier's Media Box convinced us with its functionality, digital content and user-friendliness.”

Following a three-month test run earlier, Air Astana awarded the contract to Media Carrier.

"We are very pleased that Air Astana, another first-class airline, has placed its trust in us and has included our Media Box in their service offering," said Philipp J. Jacke, Managing Director of Media Carrier GmbH.

"With digital tools like our media box, airlines can offer their passengers first-class service and added value, which is of great importance especially now during the Corona Pandemic," Jacke continued.

With the Media Box, Media Carrier is providing Air Astana extensive digital content - including a portfolio of international publications such as the Financial Times and the International New York Times.

The Media Box can be used with any internet-capable device; no external apps need to be installed or additional registration required. Air Astana passengers will be able to access the digital content of the Media Box via various "touch points", such as the website, a pre-flight e-mail, at mobile/web check-in and in the Air Astana App. In this way, passengers can start reading their preferred media before their departure.

Around 1,000 newspapers and magazines are available for passengers to download free of charge, and other titles can also be downloaded for a fee.

"The use of digital media has taken on a new significance with Corona," says Aigerim Zhambyl, Project Manager of Air Astana. "In particular, the hygiene aspect of each passenger using only their own mobile phone or tablet without contact has been a decisive argument for us to expand our range of digital services. Media Carrier's Media Box convinced us with its functionality, digital content and user-friendliness."

But also for ecological reasons, says Media Carrier: everything speaks for the use of digital media on board of airplanes: paper waste is avoided, weight and thus also the consumption of paraffin is reduced, logistics of providing and disposing of media are no longer necessary.

You can find out more about Media Carrier in our Publishing Services Directory.

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