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New E&T expert hub to help tackle cyber security threat

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in partnership with community platform provider, Zapnito, yesterday launched a new online hub that brings together cyber security experts from around the globe to tackle the ever growing cyber security threats.

According to Lloyd’s of London estimates, cyber-attacks cost businesses more than $400 billion a year. That figure is predicted to keep climbing year on year, as attackers become more sophisticated and daring.

In response to the growing threat to business security and economic growth, the IET in partnership with technology provider Zapnito has launched the E&T Cyber Security Hub. This new online hub brings together the world’s leading experts to share their knowledge and expertise, while also providing them a state-of-the-art platform to effectively communicate and collaborate as they combat this growing global threat.

Amanda Williams, E&T Publisher at the Institution of Engineering and Technology said: “With the growing daily threat of cyber-attacks, there is a huge need to help improve information and knowledge sharing from and between experts within the cyber security field and E&T is perfectly positioned to make this happen. Zapnito provided a robust and intuitive expertise sharing and publishing solution and they were also able to work closely with us to customise and launch the knowledge hub within a matter of weeks. We are confident that the hub and the growth of collective intelligence it facilitates, will go some way to help the fight against cyber-crime.”