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Newsprinters Commercial Director of Operations to lead Retail function

News UK on Friday announced that Tracey Hart, Newsprinters Commercial Director of Operations, is expanding her role to take responsibility for all aspects of its Retail function.

Newsprinters Commercial Director of Operations to lead Retail function
Tracey Hart: “News UK has always seen its retail colleagues as crucial partners in our supply chain.”

In her new remit, Tracey will integrate the Retail function seamlessly into an end-to-end supply chain operation. This will also include Wholesale, Allocation and Performance. The move also brings News UK’s Retail team closer to Newsprinters’ Printing and Distribution teams, ensuring the best service levels across the whole supply chain, says the company.

This change comes alongside the news that Neil Spencer is stepping down from his role as Retail Director, with immediate effect. News UK says: “Neil has made a significant contribution to our Retail strategy over the years and he leaves News UK with our thanks and best wishes.”

Tracey joined News UK eight years ago and since then has been focused on building new revenues across its print and distribution services, with a focus on innovation and effective outcomes. Prior to joining News UK, she was Head of Sales & Marketing for the Daily Mail.

Tracey said: “News UK has always seen its retail colleagues as crucial partners in our supply chain. I look forward to working with our valued retailers, understanding their challenges and opportunities, and working together to drive our casual and home delivered services to ensure newspapers remain in the hands of our millions of readers.”

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