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Newsroom Summit focuses on editorial and commercial success

Chief editors from around the world, and experts leading the digital media revolution, will gather in Berlin next month for a day and a half of networking, discussion and case studies at the World Editor Forum’s annual International Newsroom Summit.

The conference, held on 8 and 9 October as part of the World Publishing Expo 2013, will feature presentations from News Corp., El Globo in Brazil, Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany and many others. The conference is dedicated to the issues of prime concern to editors everywhere: future trends, audience engagement, newsroom organisation, sponsored content, creative journalism, security and surveillance, and much more.

Full details about the 12th International Newsroom Summit can be found here.

The Summit is one of five separate premium conferences being offered in Berlin during the Expo, the largest global trade exhibition for the news publishing and media industry organised by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). Also offered are the 6th Tablet & App Summit and three Shaping the Future of News Publishing Forums: Harnessing Audience Analytics, Digital Printing Strategies, and New Revenue Streams.

The Expo is expected to draw 8,000 visitors to Berlin from 7 to 9 October. Registration to the Newsroom Summit includes free access to the Expo of more than 300 exhibitors and to the News Publishers Night at one of Berlin’s trendiest venues, Berlin Kreuzberg. Full details to all events can be found here.

The Newsroom Summit will feature sessions on:

• Evolution or revolution? In an era of constant change, are more revolutionary changes to newsrooms, their boundaries and practices needed? The session will feature Wolfgang Krach, Deputy Editor in Chief, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany; Raju Narisetti, Senior Vice President and Deputy Head of Strategy for News Corp, USA; Anthony de Rosa, Editor-in-Chief, Circa, USA; and Steffen Konrath, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief, Liquid Newsroom, Germany.

• Newsrooms of the future: How editors are maximizing their resources to produce compelling, integrated content for different platforms. Speakers include Peter Littger, Country Director for Germany, Innovation International Media Consulting Group, Jochen Wegner, Editor in Chief, Zeit Online, Germany, Chris Blackhurst, Group Content Director, The Independent, United Kingdom, and Marc Jungnickel, Manager Web TV,, Germany.

• Audience engagement: Getting and keeping audience is critical. But how much should you give away to grow your community? Some divergent and novel successful case studies will be presented by: Mariana Correa Esteves, Product Development Manager, and Leandro Gejfinbein, Head of Market Intelligence and Analytics,, Brazil; Diego Zúniga Garcia-Falce, Art Director, El Correo, Spain; and Grig Davidovitz, CEO, RGB Media, Israel.

• Engaging the Millennials, with successful case studies from Alexander Bogomolov, Editor in Chief, Moscow News, Russia, and Anne Jacobsen, Chief Analyst, Amedia, Norway.

• The rise of sponsored content: is it journalism? Corporate newsrooms are churning out content at an ever increasing rate and finding accommodation for their output on news websites. In a world where new revenue streams are critical, do we need to do more to distinguish journalism from sponsored or branded content? A panel discussion with editors will be lead by Erik Bjerager, President of the World Editors Forum, and Ebele Wybenga, a journalist and author from The Netherlands.

• Re-engineering journalism: A generation of young, digitally minded journalists are bringing a creative and can-do attitude to professional challenges. A session dedicated to new journalism training will include: George Brock, Professor and Head of Journalism at City University in London and author of the just released “Out of Print: Newspapers, Journalism and the Business of News in the Digital Age”, Kerry Northrup, Multimedia Professor at Western Kentucky University, USA and creator of the Newsplex concept; and renown designer Mario Garcia, CEO and Founder, Garcia Media, USA.

• Security and surveillance: How can journalists communicate and protect their sources and research in this digital world? The panel discussion will be lead by Galina Sidarova, head of Foundation for Investigative Journalism – Foundation 19/29, Russia and Alan Pearce, a journalist and author in France.

The World Editors Forum is the organisation withing WAN-IFRA for senior newsroom executives. It publishes the annual Trends in Newsrooms.