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NUJ: New team at top as Michelle Stanistreet re-elected GS

Michelle Stanistreet has been re-elected unopposed as general secretary of the National Union of Journalists and begins her second five-year term with a new team of officers.

Tim Dawson is now president until the next Delegate Meeting in 2018, taking over from job-share presidents Adam Christie and Andy Smith. Sian Jones defeated Paul Scott in the election for vice-president and John Barsby was returned unopposed as treasurer for a second term.

Tim Dawson was the long-time chair of the union's Freelance Industrial Council until 2014. He is author of Make eBooks Pay and New Ways to Make Money in Journalism, wrote for the Sunday Times for 20 years and edits Sian Jones is a press officer for a trade union and has worked in internal and external communications in the private and not-for-profit sectors.

Giving tribute to the out-going presidents, Tim Dawson said: "We weren't sure how the job share would work, but it turned out to be a great success, with the presidency turning out greater than the sum of its parts. Andy's forensic mind and his doggedness made sure that many national executive tangle were resolved and Adam brought a great infectious enthusiasm to the role."