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Partwork relaunch: How Your Body Works

How Your Body Works goes on sale 22 February, initially priced at 99p.

According to distributors COMAG: “Originally launched in 2009, How Your Body Works was a massive success and now it is back, for a new generation of children to collect, build and learn all about the human body.

An educational and fun partwork collection, How Your Body Works will help children to understand the most amazing thing in nature – themselves!

Issue-by-issue, readers will build an actual child-size model skeleton of Billie Bones and at the same time receive a lively magazine that will explain all about what goes on inside the human body and how it all works.

With clear step-by-step instructions at the back of every issue, children can put together the easy to assemble Billie Bones skeleton, which is 110cm tall and will come with its own stand.

Every issue of How Your Body Works goes on a fascinating tour of one part of the human body, such as the bones, muscles or a vital organ like the heart or liver. The magazines will build into a collection that offers a complete insight into how the human body works.

Using the latest computer-generated images, How Your Body Works will reveal what goes on under the skin. Regular sections include The Growing Body, which will show how the body changes as it grows from a tiny baby to an adult, while Look After Yourself  will focus on how readers can keep their bodies in top condition.

Investigating the biggest, the smallest and the strangest bits of every body, How Your Body Works will also feature simple, fun experiments to help readers discover for themselves the wondrous workings of the human body.

Issue No.1 is on sale 22/02/12 at the introductory price of £0.99.

Issue No.2 will be on sale 07/03/12 priced at £2.99.

Issue No.3 will be on sale 14/03/12 at the regular price of £5.99.

The launch will be supported with an extensive TV advertising campaign so retailers are advised to display copies as prominently as possible in-store.”