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PICON and BCF join Two Sides

Two Sides, the UK initiative to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and encourage its use as an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium, has announced the addition of two UK representative bodies – PICON and BCF.

Picon Limited (Printing Industry Confederation) is the leading trade association representing 119 manufacturers and suppliers to the Printing, Papermaking and Paper Converting sectors. As part of its membership, its own members are eligible for a 50% discount on Two Sides membership for the first year.

Tim Webb, PICON Chairman, comments: “We are supporting Two Sides because we believe that it’s vital that myths about our industry are dispelled. We are all aware that they exist and how wide-spread they are in the public domain. But the reality is that the paper cycle has a long history of being eco-cautious. It has been recycling for many years and sustainability is a well established and ongoing process. The Two Sides message is thoughtful, concise and truthful and we hope to see it become widely known.”

The BCF (British Coating Federation) represents the majority of the printing ink manufacturers and importers in the UK. Its Chief Executive Officer, Tony Mash, says: “The BCF fully supports the ‘Two Sides’ project in the way that it works to ensure that the printed word accurately reflects its true value to Society.”

Martyn Eustace (pictured), Two Sides Director, comments: “It is important that representative bodies support the Two Sides campaign because it helps our aims and mission to become more visible to their members, which can run into hundreds, if not thousands, of companies. The greater the awareness of the Two Sides campaign and its message about the sustainability of print and paper, the better positioned we will be to challenge and change incorrect beliefs and keep print media in its rightful place as possibly the most sustainable way to communicate.”

About Two Sides

Two Sides says: “Two Sides is an initiative (created in 2008) by companies from the Graphic Communication Value Chain including forestry, pulp, paper, inks and chemicals, pre press, press, finishing, publishing and printing. Today there nearly 300 members. Our common goal is to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and dispel common environmental misconceptions by providing users with verifiable information on why print and paper is an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium.”