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PPG: the things they said

The Publishing Partners Guide, InPublishing’s annual supplier directory, also contains ten articles. Here is a snippet from each…

By James Evelegh

PPG: the things they said

Delivered with the Jan/Feb issue of InPublishing magazine was the 2020 Publishing Partners Guide, our annual directory of suppliers to the publishing sector.

If you’re not on the mailing list, you can see a digital version of the PPG here.

In addition to the 50+ partner profiles, there were also ten interesting articles…

Here is a stand-out thought from each:

  1. "Trust multiplied by reach has to add up to a business opportunity when you have the numbers to prove it." (Article by Ray Snoddy)
  2. "Readers who subscribe to the Times’s free newsletters are twice as likely to become paying subscribers." (Paul DeHart)
  3. "Just imagine Google owning a string of local online titles in places like Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle." (Steve Dyson)
  4. "We’ve been selling subscriptions and advertising for centuries. Readers are more used to paying for content than we think." (Stewart Robinson)
  5. "Consumer publishers have always understood the passions and motivations of their audiences." (Julian Thorne)
  6. "Many publishers are returning to the “issue” as the gold standard transactional unit." (Ranj Begley)
  7. "Even the best of these exhibition specialists are now wondering how they too might face disruption." (Colin Morrison)
  8. "It’s not acceptable courteous behaviour between humans to interrupt."(Dan Heffernan)
  9. "Customer publishers will need to be seen to be doing the right thing for the environment." (Mike Sewell)
  10. "Paper (even when printed) can be recycled between six and eight times." (Danny Doogan)