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Puzzler Media chooses Quadrant Subscription Services

Puzzler Media, a leading provider of puzzle magazines for over 40 years, has chosen Quadrant Subscription Services to manage their subscriptions.

With over 50 titles, including its flagship publication Puzzler Collection, Puzzler Media was looking for support with its print, digital and bundled subscriptions as well as its single-product sales.

In particular, says Quadrant, it was seeking a partner with the flexibility to allow in-house customer service whilst offering advanced technology, integration with their existing E-commerce platform, multi-currency transactions and high quality business intelligence and analytics.

Quadrant, part of the Air Business Group and international subscriptions management bureau, will provide the systems to facilitate in-house ‘self-service’ subscriptions management for both its domestic and overseas puzzlers. Using its ‘single customer view’ application, it will provide real-time payment processing in their PCI DSS Level 1 certified environment. Puzzler Media will also take advantage of Quadrant’s value-added services, in particular the new Lumira business intelligence and data mining tools to inform its decision making.

With Puzzler Media choosing Quadrant as their subscription partner, the deal brings the benefits of consolidating customer service across the wider DC Thomson group. DC Thomson has worked with Quadrant since 2010 and Air Business since 2011 while This England has used Quadrant’s services since early 2015, so this agreement allows service costs to be spread across the entire group. Consequently, both DC Thomson and This England have extended their existing agreements with Quadrant.

Lynda Newland, marketing director for Puzzler Media comments: “We were impressed with Quadrant’s reputation for innovation, service and quality control. By integrating Quadrant’s global platform, our in-house customer service team and E-commerce solution we feel we a have a winning formula. We are all working to tight deadlines and with huge enthusiasm.”

Set to go live this autumn, Quadrant is currently fine-tuning the service to Puzzler Media’s needs and to ensure that the switch-over is invisible to its customers.

Stuart Lacey, managing director of Quadrant Subscription Services says: “There’s nothing our team likes better than to be presented with a complex situation and to come up with an elegant solution, so we are delighted to be working with Puzzler Media and the wider DC Thomson Group.”