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Speakers confirmed for SoE conference

A quintet of top names will head the line-up of speakers at the Society of Editors’ annual conference in London in October.

Alan Rusbridger will deliver the prestigious Society of Editors Lecture and Culture Secretary John Whittingdale MP will open the main conference with a keynote address. They will be followed by advertising guru Sir Martin Sorrell in conversation with the BBC Media Show presenter Steve Hewlett, BBC Trust chairman Rona Fairhead and Mike Darcey, chair of the News Media Association and CEO of News UK, will look to the future.

Whittingdale, long-serving chair of the Parliamentary media watchdog committee turned government minister for the media will launch the main day of working sessions on Monday 19 October. He will be followed by Sorrell, CEO of British multi-national advertising and PR company, WPP, and Fairhead will follow in other major highlights of annual gathering of editors and media executives. Darcey, who chairs the now combined organisation for national and regional newspaper publishers, will look to the future at the end of the conference on the morning of Tuesday 20 October.

Previous Society of Editors lecturers have included Sir Alan Moses, chairman of the Independent Press Standards Organisation, Lord Michael Grade, former chairman of the BBC and ITV, Alexander Lebedev, owner of the Independent titles, Paul Dacre, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Mail, Stewart Purvis former chief of ITN and broadcaster and former editor Andrew Neil.

The conference, Making News Pay, which will be based at The Grange St Paul’s Hotel from 18-20 October, is a key arena for media debate on the major issues facing editors, journalists, broadcasters and publisher in all sectors of the media.

The event, which is open to all, will include sessions on raising revenue from content and using social media. There will a significant emphasis on professional skills and knowledge development, the business of journalism and digital initiatives.

Other confirmed speakers include Matthew Kelly, Digital Director of Local World, Tiffanie Darke, Commercial Content Director, Method At News at News UK, Simon Bucks, Associate Editor of Sky News, Darren Waters, Social Media Editor at the Press Association, Stephanie Himoff, Director Brands, Agencies & Head of PR Partnerships at Outbrain, Doug Wills, Managing Editor of the Independent titles, Alison Gow, Digital Innovations Editor at Trinity Mirror, Steve Hewlett, Presenter of BBC Radio 4’s The Media Show and Sarah Pinch, chair of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Other speakers will be announced shortly.

The Society's annual black tie Gala Dinner will take place in the Grange St Paul’s hotel on the evening of Monday 19 October.

Society of Editors president Doug Wills, managing editor of the London Evening Standard and Independent titles said: “The conference spotlights the opportunities for journalists to turn their ingenuity to the business of making brilliant content and building revenues to help pay for the costs of news gathering.

“High profile speakers and panel debates on the major issues facing journalism will make it a must conference for all who need to keep abreast of developments in the industry.”