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Sport Magazine unveils brand new design

Sport magazine is due to unveil a fresh design with a raft of new features.

As well as the sleek new look, featuring more white space and elegant new typefaces, the magazine is introducing a number of interesting pages, say the publishers.

‘Love and Hate’ will reveal the deepest passions and pet peeves of our sporting heroes; ‘In Their Own Words’ brings to life a series of iconic sporting moments through the words of those involved; and a weekly Diary page will take a light-hearted look back at the previous week in sport.

The revamp will hit the streets on Friday 4th March, and signals the first stage in a series of steps to mark the magazine’s 10th birthday later in the year.

The cover star for the launch issue of the redesign will be Gary Lineker, who has established himself as one of the most respected broadcasters in sport following a glittering football career. Exclusive photoshoots with Jessica Ennis-Hill, Harry Kane and Usain Bolt are also planned in the coming months, as the magazine builds towards both EURO 2016 and The Olympic Games 2016.

Tony Hodson, editor of Sport, said: “As we approach our 10th birthday, a historic one for the free-magazine market in this country, it felt right to give the magazine a more mature look. A cleaner, pared-back approach will allow the excellent photography our readers have always loved to sing even more than previously, and a range of new features ensures the content remains both fresh and relevant. Gary, one of sport’s most authoritative but good-humoured voices, felt the perfect fit for this issue’s front cover.”