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Telegraph appoints Head of Magazines

TMG announces the appointment of Sasha Slater as Head of Magazines.

Sasha will edit the Saturday Telegraph magazine as well as oversee TMG's other lifestyle magazines including the Luxury and ST brands.

Sasha joins from Harper's Bazaar, where she is currently Deputy Editor. Sasha is a highly experienced editor and journalist and has worked across a number of magazines and national newspapers. She has held a range of senior roles including Deputy Editor of The Times Magazine and Editor of ES Magazine (Evening Standard).

Jane Bruton, Director of Lifestyle, TMG, said: "I am thrilled Sasha will be joining the Telegraph. Her vision for the Saturday magazine is bold, clever, original and inspiring. She will be a huge asset to our newly refocused Lifestyle department.”

Sasha Slater, said: "It is a great privilege to join TMG and edit The Saturday magazine. I am looking forward to working with Jane Bruton and the talented Telegraph team."