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The Economist Group acquires Signal Noise

The Economist Group yesterday announced the acquisition of Signal Noise, a London-based data design studio, as it expands its content solutions business.

Signal Noise was founded in 2010 by Matthew Falla, Christian Thümer and Hem Patel. It creates data visualisations, tools and dashboards and its clients include Accenture, EE and Unilever.

Elena Sukacheva, EVP and managing director, content solutions and global events, said: “Marketers choose The Economist Group because we tell engaging stories using facts and data—the sort that provoke meaningful conversations with key audiences. Signal Noise, with its mix of technical and creative talent, will enable us to step up the innovative and disruptive quality of the visual data storytelling we produce for our clients.”

Matthew Falla, managing director, Signal Noise, said: “We’re very proud of everything the Signal Noise team has achieved over the last six years, not only in crafting great work but also in building a culture of collaboration and proactively helping to define a design discipline. Together with our colleagues at The Economist Group, we're incredibly excited by the opportunities this new partnership brings, for our staff and our clients alike, to create cutting-edge content and tools for a data-driven age.”