This year two very senior members of BT’s Strategy team will be speaking and Sir David Arculus, former Chairman of O2 plc and currently a Non-Executive Director of Telefonica will be in the chair.
BT is such a major force in UK Communications today but, in an industry where the pace of change is almost as fast as Ethernet connections, for how much longer can BT retain its dominant market share? Traditional and new competitors abound, all looking to grab parts of BT’s business and add them to their own customer offerings. Can BT survive this? Is it too big to react nimbly to technological change and smaller competitors? How much do we really know about BT and what their business plans are? The 2011 Summer Forum offers a unique insight into the strategic heart of BT. Two speakers, Sean Williams and Dr Tim Whitley, both right at the top of BT’s strategic planning team, will be providing some of the answers to these questions. In particular they will focus on issues facing BT today and tomorrow:-
• An update on UK broadband and BT’s £2.5 billion investment programme to transform the UK communications infrastructure
• A glimpse of the services that will be enabled through this new superfast infrastructure.
This is, says the Stationers’ Company, a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the world of communications infrastructure, which is so vital to every business in the country, in the delightful and historic surroundings of Stationers’ Hall. Numbers are limited to 200. Book your places by contacting Helen Ashworth, Events Manager, on or telephone her on 020 7246 0988.