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The Sun appoints new Deputy Editor-in-Chief

James Slack, Director of Communications at Number 10, has been appointed deputy editor-in-chief, The Sun, and will join the paper in the coming months.

The Sun appoints new Deputy Editor-in-Chief
James Slack: “Journalism is in my blood.”

James Slack is currently the Prime Minister’s Director of Communications. He joined Number 10 working for Theresa May’s government in 2017 as the Prime Minister’s Official Spokesperson, a role he continued in under Boris Johnson.

Prior to his time at Number 10, Slack was at the Daily Mail where he held the roles Assistant Editor (Politics), Political Editor, Home Affairs Editor and Leader Writer. He started his career in journalism on local newspapers.

Reporting to Victoria Newton, editor-in-chief of The Sun, James will work across both the print and digital output of the paper, and will be integral to the further digital transformation of the newsroom, says News UK.

Victoria Newton, editor-in-chief of The Sun, said: “James has an exceptional track record in journalism and wide ranging experiences, including leading a large team and all forms of digital publishing. He will bring his brilliant editing skills and news sense to The Sun, as well as a clear understanding of the institutions that support public life. The Sun’s broad readership cares deeply about Britain and James has a strong understanding of our audience.”

James Slack said: “I’m deeply grateful to everyone I’ve worked with at No10, and to the two Prime Ministers who it has been such an honour to serve. In particular I want to thank the brilliant press team who I have had the privilege to lead over the past four years. Their resilience, creativity and good humour through some deeply challenging times for our country has been extraordinary, and I have learned an enormous amount.

“Journalism is in my blood and working in a senior role at what is the most popular newspaper in Britain is an ambition I have held all of my life. Such opportunities don’t come along very often and I can’t wait to start work with what I already know is a fantastic, agenda setting newsroom at The Sun. I’ve loved The Sun from afar for years and it’s great to finally be part of the team.”

Keith Poole left his role as deputy editor-in-chief of The Sun at the end of February to become editor-in-chief of the New York Post.

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