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The things they said (in our May/June issue)

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from the latest issue of InPublishing magazine.

By James Evelegh

The things they said (in our May/June issue)

The May / June issue of InPublishing magazine was mailed out last week. Here are some of the quotes that stood out for me (all the links are to our digital edition):

  1. “You can glory in the position of editor, you can’t glory in the position of content manager.” (David Montgomery on the role of the editor.)
  2. “Diligent, thorough and professional yet not pompous or stuffy in any way, this big beast has surprise and delight on every page.” (Alan Geere is impressed by 'The World of Interiors'.)
  3. “Customer-first is all about gathering all the data we have and building a deeper layer of understanding of our audience.” (Emma Callaghan outlining Reach's commercial strategy.)
  4. “Rethinking print isn’t just about changing frequency, you may need to completely rework the content.” (Carolyn Morgan looking at new business models, post pandemic.)
  5. “I went into it thinking there must be a business model in here somewhere, but didn’t have any idea where that might be.” (Marcus Fairs on launching Dezeen.)
  6. “The robots are not taking ‘our’ jobs, nor is AI a miracle cure. But it can make a significant difference to hard-pressed publishers.” (Charlie Beckett on the potential of artificial intelligence.)
  7. “Clicks aren’t the only or even the best measure of a story’s worth.” (Dickon Ross reviewing what stories performed best on the E&T website.)
  8. “The predominant workflow problem is not knowing that yours could be so much better.” (Andy Kowl in our special - sponsored - feature on publishing workflows. The feature runs over nine separate sections.)
  9. “You’ve got to invest, then you’ve got to wait for that investment to pay off.” (Deep Bagchee on playing the long game at The Economist.)
  10. “The hottest new revenue channels in 2021 will revolve around publishers’ coveted first-party data.” (Karlene Lukovitz’s View from the States.)
  11. “We researched charging models and found a sweet spot which wouldn’t discourage registration but would encourage attendance.” (Ivor Eisenstadt on MGP’s events strategy.)
  12. “It’s opened up a whole new set of amazing homes and businesses and made the magazine – and the reader experience – better.” (Loma-Ann Marks on adopting a more inclusive – BLM inspired – approach to content.)
  13. “The old high street office had one crucial element that no number of websites, phone screens and social media can replace: people in the flesh.” (Steve Dyson on the downside of everyone WFH.)
  14. “A number of companies are both potential buyers and sellers at the same time. And the whole market is a mix of strategic deals and opportunistic bolt-ons.” (Jim Bilton on current M&A scene.)

I hope you enjoy the issue. If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive InPublishing magazine in future, then please register here.