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UK advertising spend rises 3% in H1 2013

UK advertising spend rose 3% in the first six months of 2013, according to the latest Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, the figures and forecasts that the advertising industry relies on.

According to the Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report: Total adspend was £8.54bn in H1 following growth of 2.3% in 2012 when spend reached £17.2bn, returning to pre-recession (2007) levels.

The H1 increase was driven by growth of internet pure play (+16.3% YOY), out of home (+3.1% YOY) and TV (+2.1% YOY), offsetting declines for all other media (see table).

Strong growth for mobile (+128%) and search (+18%) helped drive total internet adspend up for the period. Out of home experienced a strong second quarter (+5.9%) after a flat start to the year.

Forecasts for 2013 and 2014

AA/Warc full year adspend forecasts have been upgraded from the July 2013 report and now stand at 3.3% growth for 2013 (+0.7pp) and 5.2% for 2014 (+0.3pp), with expenditure set to reach £17.7bn in 2013, and an all-time high of £18.7bn in 2014.

The forecasts have been revised to reflect the better than expected outlook for search and TV advertising spend, as well as the improved economic scenario for the UK next year.

Tim Lefroy, Chief Executive of the Advertising Association said: “These numbers suggest growing confidence and that is good news – not only for UK advertising but for the consumer goods, digital and creative industries it underpins.”