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Vice Chairman of NYT elected President of WAN-IFRA

During the 69th WAN-IFRA’s annual congress in Durban, South Africa, Michael Golden, Vice Chairman of the Board of New York Times, was elected President of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.

The association also appointed a new Treasurer and a new President of the World Editors Forum. Sixteen executives from leading news media companies were also elected to new terms on the Boards of WAN-IFRA and the World Editors Forum.

Michael Golden was elected by WAN-IFRA members on Thursday at the World News Media Congress, World Editors Forum and Women in News Summit in Durban, South Africa. Approximately 700 publishers, editors, journalists, and other senior news executives from around the world attended the events, which continued through Friday.

Michael Golden succeeds Tomas Brunegard, who was elected President of WAN-IFRA in 2013. Together with Paul Verwilt (Mediahuis, Belgium), who was elected new Treasurer of the organisation at the same meeting, David Callaway (The Street, USA) and Kevin Beatty (Daily Mail Group), they will form the new Presidency of WAN-IFRA for the two coming years.

“What I was able to help the New York Times do, and what I'd like to help WAN-IFRA do, is to reverse some of the current trends that are going on in the world. Media freedom is going the wrong direction in many parts of the world. Building on the tradition of WAN-IFRA to increase the dialogue about that, bring awareness to it, and underscore the importance of the role that media plays in informing citizens and making society work better,” said Michael Golden in an interview. “Being elected President of WAN-IFRA is an honour and I take it as a vote of confidence. It is the opportunity to build on what we've done, and help the professionals operating independent media adjust their business models and prosper”, he added.

At the same meeting, 10 executives from leading news media companies were elected to new terms on the Board of WAN-IFRA.

New leaders for the World Editors Forum (WEF)

David Callaway, Editor Emeritus and CEO of, USA, has been elected President of the World Editors Forum (WEF), succeeding Marcelo Rech, Vice President of Journalism, RBS Group, Brazil.

Helje Solberg, Executive Editor and CEO of VGTV, Norway, was named as the new Vice President at the annual meeting of the WEF board in Durban on Wednesday.

Callaway, a former Editor in Chief of USA Today, took control of, as CEO and Editor Emeritus a year ago. He is credited with growing USA Today to the fifth largest digital news organisation in the US. Before joining USA Today in July 2012, he was the Editor-in-Chief at MarketWatch and its predecessor CBS MarketWatch.

Callaway has a masters degree in journalism from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. He serves on the board of the ICFJ.

Helje Solberg, CEO and Executive Editor of VGTV, Norway, is an award-winning investigative journalist and author who has worked on several Norwegian papers.

The new Board members of WAN-IFRA are:

• Nicolas Corneau, deputy general manager Groupe Centre France La Montagne, Representing UPREG, the French Regional Publishers Association;

• Patrick Daniel, deputy chief executive officer, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), representing WAN-IFRA Regional Committee for Asia Pacific;

• Edith Dankwa, representing PRINPAG, the Independent Publishers Association in Ghana;

• Ishmet Davidson, Director Print Media Media24, South Africa, Member of the WAN-IFRA Regional Committee for Africa (South Africa);

• Sophie Gourmelen, Publisher, le Parisien – Aujourd’hui en France;

• Peter Mertus, CEO News and Media Holding representing the Slovak Press Association;

• Tove Nedreberg, CEO Adresseavisen, Representing MBL, the Norwegian Media Businesses' Association ;

• Sergey Okhrimenko, Segodnya Multimedia - Representing UAPP, the Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers;

• Gunnar Siiner, CEO Raadio Kadi OÜ, representing EALL - Eesti Ajalehtede Liit, the Estonian Publishers Association;

• Cristina Soares, COO and Member of the Board, Publico, APImprensa (Portugal);

• Rick Stunt , Group Paper Director Dmg::media, United Kingdom, representing WAN-IFRA’s World Printers Forum.

New members of WEF Board are:

• Joanne Lipman, Editor in Chief, USA Today, USA

• Ritu Kapur, CEO of, India

• Stephen Rae, Editor in Chief, Independent News and Media, Ireland

• Martha Ramos, Editorial Director, OEM, Mexico

• Warren Fernandez, Editor in Chief, SPH, Singapore