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Bauer to close The Debrief

Bauer Media has announced its intention to cease publication of The Debrief.

Bauer to close The Debrief

The company yesterday posted the following announcement on The Debrief’s website:

We are sad to announce that it has been proposed that The Debrief – our much-loved brand that connected with so many young women will cease publication. Despite achieving so much in the last 4 years and winning a slew of awards, sadly we cannot see a viable future for this brand as it stands.

We’re proud of what we’ve done. The Debrief was borne from the realisation that there was nowhere online that was talking to young women about the topics they cared about the most in a way they could relate to. From Housemate Hunger Games to Stranger Shaming, Changing Room Selfies to The Debrief Podcast, we created a brand that really ‘got’ our audience and their lives in a way that no-one had done before.

And we were passionate about changing their lives for the better too - from Make Renting Fair, our (successful) campaign to get unregulated letting agent’s fees banned in the UK - we changed the law guys!, to Mad About The Pill, an investigation that went further than any other women’s brand in the UK at interrogating the link between hormonal contraceptives and mental health.

The Debrief was a huge success thanks to a brilliant team of young women and a roster of brilliant voices – but also because of YOU – our loyal, funny, sharp and engaged audience. Whether at a reader event, still chatting and drinking long after the bar was supposed to close, signing petitions, tweeting campaigns and sharing your stories, emailing feedback, we have been immensely privileged to write for you.

If this proposal goes ahead, we’re pleased to say many of the writers and voices you love will still be contributing to Grazia in print and online.