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Cambridge University Press chooses Air Business

Cambridge University Press (the Press) has entered a new partnership with Air Business which will provide the Press with a wide range of its services; from stock management and data processing to fulfilment and worldwide distribution.

Cambridge University Press chooses Air Business

Looking to improve the delivery service of its journals and enhance the stock management of its back issues, the Press awarded Air Business the distribution contract for its main run journals, books and back-issues, alongside warehouse stock management, at the end of November 2017.

Having just 20 days from winning the contract to prepare for the ‘go-live’ of the first wrapping and mailing of the Press’s main run journals, Air Business’ team successfully delivered a seamless and smooth transition for the Press to meet these tight time frames without any disruption to the publisher, says the company.

Air Business’ 32 years of experience operating in the publishing arena as well as its portfolio of long-standing academic publishing clients, such as Informa, Taylor and Francis, SAGE Publications, Royal Society of Chemistry and BMJ Publishing, appealed to the Press.

Additionally, the Press was attracted by Air Business’ dedicated account management system and its wide range of distribution options. Having access to Air Business’ ‘real time’, accurate warehouse stock management and reporting system, allowing it to check exact warehouse stock levels of its back issues at any time, was another reported benefit.

Mark Dowman, Regional Supply Chain Manager for Cambridge University Press, said: “The Press constantly strives to provide the best possible service to our customers and this new relationship with Air Business will help us manage the logistical side of our journals operation to the highest standard.”

Mark Everitt, Head of Strategic Accounts for Air Business, adds: “We are delighted to be working with such a prestigious publisher and are keen to find further logistical solutions to help CUP develop other areas of their business into the future.”

Links / further reading: Air Business