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Chief Executive of NewstrAid to retire in October

Alex van Straubenzee has decided to retire from his position as Chief Executive Officer of the news and magazine industry charity, NewstrAid, with effect from the end of October 2018.

Chief Executive of NewstrAid to retire in October

After a long career in the news industry, including significant periods with WH Smith Wholesale and heading the circulation team of The Spectator magazine, Alex became Chief Executive of the NewstrAid Benevolent Fund, known as NewstrAid, in 2005. However, his association with the charity goes back much further, having joined the Coventry Area Committee as Secretary in 1985, being elected to the Executive Committee in 1991 and serving as its Chairman for 6 years before accepting the role as Chief Executive.

In his time running NewstrAid, Alex has steered the organisation through a number of significant changes; moving away from the provision of residential care, expanding the range of welfare services offered to its 1000 plus beneficiaries, growing welfare expenditure by 85% and safeguarding the future of the charity by significantly building its investment reserves, says NewstrAid.

NewstrAid Chairman, Mike Mirams, said, “Alex has arguably done more for NewstrAid than anyone in its long history. After 20 years supporting the industry’s charity on a voluntary basis, Alex took responsibility for leading NewstrAid through what has been a challenging period for the trade and will leave it in great shape to support many people in need for years to come. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Alex who brings unrivalled levels of charm to everything he does and he will be a very tough act to follow.”

Alex van Straubenzee said, “I have been very fortunate to have managed NewstrAid during such a period of change. It has been both rewarding and challenging. I could not have achieved so much without the enormous support of a great board of trustees and a devoted staff. My only regret is that I have not been able to do justice to all our volunteers and the wonderful work they do. We have had to make some hard decisions in the new world of compliance, risk analysis and regulatory demands, which have made voluntary activities and fundraising not quite so much fun. On the bright side, the charity is in robust structural and financial health and ready to support colleagues from our trade in the long term. My sincerest thanks to all of you who have made my time in the news trade so enjoyable.”