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Condé Nast publish results of Glamour reader survey

Glamour, Condé Nast’s women’s lifestyle magazine, has commissioned YouGov to explore how the Glamour reader is consuming content, on what platforms, at what time of day, and with what sort of mind-set.

“Since arriving at Glamour the one question that has cropped up time and time again is how today's reader consumes our content. This important study has enabled us to answer these questions whilst also providing some myth busting ammunition as to the influence, power and reach of the Glamour brand. Working in partnership with YouGov and IPSOS, both extremely well respected, trusted and independent research bodies, means that the results we are showcasing are not only educative, but credible," said Jamie Jouning, Publishing Director of Glamour.

According to Condé Nast, the findings of the Glamour Generation Connected Report emphasise the importance of cross platform readership. Examining the Glamour audience (regular print readers and regular website visitors) 91% agree that Glamour is a 24/7 brand. With 93% of the Glamour audience owning a smartphone and 67% using a tablet device, the importance of giving the 83% of UK women aged 20 – 40 who regularly read a magazine, choice of platform has never been clearer.

81% of regular print readers believe Glamour is one of the highest quality magazines, great for getting both inspiration (96%) and for in-depth features (99%), as well as being highly trustworthy due to the staff’s editorial expertise (97%). With a readership of 1 million, in print, Glamour is a quality magazine meant for quality time. 90% choose to read whilst relaxing at home, mainly from 6pm to midnight. They enjoy having time to unwind and fully appreciate the tactile nature of print, which is why 46% also love to read the magazine whilst on holiday.

The digital magazine is a format selected depending on both the reader’s mood and situation. 47% of regular digital edition readers (and 55% of regular print readers) read Glamour whilst commuting/travelling, and with the app’s ability to give more detailed information on fashion and beauty, plus the convenience of opening new windows when using a tablet, 12% shop online at the same time as reading the digital issue.

With a UK audience of 1.1 million online, is influential. 26% of the Glamour audience shop online whilst surfing the website, with 56% of regular users buying directly from the page. Read throughout the day, with the biggest single peak at lunchtime, regular users come back again and again for’s galleries (79%), entertainment (70%), fashion and beauty news (66%) and tutorials (63%). Users visit the website equally at the weekend whether that’s relaxing at home (72%), at work (38%), or on their smartphone (49%).

Commanding a social media audience of 2.9 million, a love of engaging directly with the brand forces Glamour’s followers to snatch time throughout the day. 29% of the Glamour audience would review items seen in Glamour on social media, and a massive 9 million visits to come directly through the magazine’s social media accounts.

Glamour’s influence extends even beyond those who buy the magazine, with 75% of the Glamour audience talking about what they see in Glamour with their friends and family. 76% try new products recommended by the magazine and most (93%) trust the brand’s opinion no matter what format they engage with it in. 60% spend more time on Glamour now that they have multiple platforms at their disposal, accounting for an enormous total of one billion minutes spent with Glamour each year.

The Glamour Generation Connected research was conducted online in October 2014 using a mixture of the YouGov panel and the Condé Nast reader database. A total of 1,855 interviews were conducted amongst 20-40 year old women who were all regular readers (reading at least 1 in 4 print issues) or website users of Glamour, Elle or Marie Claire.