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Haymarket extends sustainability targets by moving away from plastic

In line with its sustainability targets, Haymarket Media Group has begun to eradicate plastic mailing film from its supply chain.

Haymarket extends sustainability targets by moving away from plastic
Trevor Simpson: “Every effort is being made to move away from wrapping where we can.”

The ENDS Report successfully mailed without any wrap from October 2018, and their first paper-wrapped title mailed in July 2019. A further seven titles have mailed without any wrap or using paper during 2019.

A review of their titles that continue to use plastic is underway, acknowledging the difficulties of schedules, formats and logistics, says the company. Haymarket have so far engaged with a number of suppliers to provide both single colour and four colour paper wrap solutions.

Haymarket's Head of Production Operations, Trevor Simpson said: “We are very pleased to see this project gather momentum. It has taken considerable time and effort to get here. The team have worked hard to support existing suppliers and source others so we are now in a position where we feel confident with quality and service. Every effort is being made to move away from wrapping where we can, and introducing paper for titles where possible.”

“At the moment scheduling, cost and supplier requirements can be a barrier for us adopting poly alternatives on all brands, though we will continue to monitor the market and change accordingly. While we currently follow the PPA guidelines on wrap, and all our poly is clearly marked as recyclable, we acknowledge that the disposal and recycling of paper is clearer and easier for our customers. We think that this is the most effective option on the market, as we have had issues with degradable options in the past. The paper used in the wrap is fully accredited and from sustainable sources.”

Haymarket has both ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 50001 (energy management) accreditation and says it is committed to finding environmental and sustainability solutions for their business.

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