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Dennis continues sustainability drive

Last month saw AutoExpress become Dennis’ latest title to shift from plastic to paper wrapping.

Dennis continues sustainability drive
Graph from Dennis showing progress made since March 2019.

“We’ve always put sustainability at the core of what we do. It’s why we supported the Heart of England forest and why since 2019 we’ve been on a drive to reduce packaging waste with our magazines,” says Dennis.

This matters even more with the bulk of its titles being subscription-based.

85% of the magazines Dennis now sends out in the UK have made the move from plastic wrapping.

According to Dennis, conscientious readers of The Week Junior pushed them even further and the magazine is now delivered “totally naked” through the post.

The company says that feedback from its readers has been really encouraging and the aim is to continue to reduce plastic and other wastage from its business.

“We have seen some promising trials at the mailing house and hope to be in a position to move the last remaining brands over in the next few months. Congrats and thank you to Rob Ryan, Stephen Catherall and the team for leading this great initiative!”, says Dennis Publishing.

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