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Haymarket launches Impact

Haymarket Media Group has announced the launch of Impact, and redefines its overarching purpose to support its new sustainability strategy.

Haymarket launches Impact
Kevin Costello: “We’re focused on how we can have a lasting impact to help the planet now, and in the future.”

Haymarket Impact is a new ESG framework for the media, data and information company, which aligns closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This builds on the company’s previous sustainability agenda, Haymarket Sustain.

Of the 17 Global Goals, Haymarket Impact is focused on those most relevant to the business right now, with associated targets for 2023, against which they will measure and report progress. These are reported by the publisher as follows:

  • Global Goal 4: Quality Education – all Haymarket employees globally will receive training on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Global Goal 5: Gender Equality – Haymarket commits to publishing a global gender balance audit, annually
  • Global Goal 13: Climate Action – Haymarket will create a Climate Action dashboard, with a clear set of ambitious divisional targets
  • All underpinned by Goal 17. Partnerships for the Goals.

Kevin Costello, chief executive at Haymarket said: “I’m incredibly proud of our sustainability agenda and successes to date. But, the world is behind schedule to meet 2030 targets in the current ‘Decade of Action’, and at Haymarket we can, and must, do more. That’s why we’re launching Impact today. Globally, we’re stepping it up a gear. We’re focused on how we can have a lasting impact to help the planet now, and in the future. For us, that’s by completely immersing ourselves in, and aligning with our chosen SDGs.

“As a media business, we are in a unique position to influence with the content we create. It is crucial we use our voice for good, helping to shape a better future for all. This is just the very beginning for Impact and we have big, bold plans for 2023 and beyond. This is the first time we’ve committed to something like this collectively, on a global scale, and I have complete faith that together we can achieve brilliant things.”

Celia MacMillan, director of people and communications added: “There is so much work for good already happening at Haymarket across all our offices and that won’t stop. Our new Impact framework serves to align and accelerate our efforts globally. Impact recognises that if we are to effect real, meaningful change, we need to focus our energies and efforts around those SDGs where we have a right to play, and where we can make the most positive difference.”

Haymarket says it has also established a Global Impact Board as part of its commitment to ensuring sustainability is central to all business decisions. They will work closely with the executive leadership team to drive forward plans and hit targets.

Supporting the Impact Board will be employee-led steering groups for each of Haymarket’s chosen SDGs. They will use their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields to help inform decision making and provide guidance to the Global Impact Board and leadership teams across all of Haymarket’s divisions.

The Impact Board has also appointed its first external advisor: David Ellis, founder & CEO of Maikai, the social venture helping businesses turn their environmental and societal ambitions into action.

Speaking about the appointment, David said: “Getting to work closely with Haymarket to bring Impact to life has been an absolute pleasure. Everyone’s commitment to its success has been inspiring, and I can’t wait to keep working with the team, and see Haymarket’s ambitions become reality.”

Haymarket Impact will be facilitated by a newly appointed impact manager, Tara Geoghegan, who formerly oversaw Haymarket’s corporate communications. Tara is the central point of all communications relating to Impact, working with Haymarket’s teams globally, as well as external stakeholders.

You can learn more about Haymarket Impact here.

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