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Hillary and Chelsea guest edit Stylist

With the release of their new book ‘The Book of Gutsy Women’, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton have teamed up again on their latest challenge: guest editing Stylist Magazine.

Hillary and Chelsea guest edit Stylist
Hillary & Chelsea: “We love that Stylist has a point of view, and an unapologetically feminist one at that."

This is the seventh in the series of takeovers by women using their platform to change the world as part of the publication’s 10th anniversary celebrations.

Speaking candidly about what it means to take over the female-focused magazine, filling the issue with inspiring women and topics they care about, such as UK politics and women’s responsibility to do what they can to effect change, both Hillary and Chelsea use their takeover as a platform to help other women and change the world, say the publishers.

Everything in this week’s issue draws on Hillary and Chelsea’s passions, from the gutsy women that inspire them – championing the likes of Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, and gynaecologist and campaigner Dr Gao Yaojie – and the topics that interest them, including palm oil and fashion with pockets.

Lisa Smosarski, Editor-in-Chief of Stylist Magazine said: “No one has used their platform to change the world more than Hillary Rodham Clinton, who works so hard to help other women. Her daughter Chelsea has also made feminism her mission, writing several empowering children’s books about female icons. In an industry first, they’ve joined together to take over Stylist and create their Gutsy Women issue.”

"That book, and this issue, are a continuation of a conversation the two of us have been having since Chelsea was a little girl."

Hillary and Chelsea issue highlights, as selected by the publishers:

On Stylist Magazine and jumping at the chance to edit the issue:

Hillary & Chelsea: “When Stylist asked us to take over this issue, we immediately said yes. We love that Stylist has a point of view, and an unapologetically feminist one at that. This magazine celebrates the fact that there is no sphere, no one place and no one role for women – something that has been on our minds even more than usual since we finished our most recent project, The Book Of Gutsy Women.”

On basing their book and this issue on inspiring women:

Hillary & Chelsea: “That book, and this issue, are a continuation of a conversation the two of us have been having since Chelsea was a little girl. This issue is full of stories of women who have inspired us, from Mary Beard to Serena Williams, and topics we care about – including some that might surprise you – from palm oil in cosmetics to pockets.”

On what they hope the issue will achieve:

Hillary & Chelsea: “We have believed for a long time that ensuring the rights, opportunities and full participation of women and girls remains a big piece of the unfinished business of the 21st century. We’ve made progress, but we still have work to do. We hope this issue will inspire you to think about what you can do – close to home or around the globe – to make sure women everywhere can follow their dreams and live life on their own terms.”

On the decision to write The Book for Gutsy Women:

Hillary: “The idea has been around ever since Chelsea was a little girl. We’ve always talked about inspirational role models, heroines, people who inspired us. We came of age at very different times; I didn’t know any women who worked outside the home other than my teachers and librarians. So I was constantly looking for inspiration in magazines, in fiction, reading about unusual paths that women had taken. It was a very conscious search to find women who were doing something adventurous.

On what needs to be done to support women globally:

Hillary: “I think that there is a way to talk about this so it doesn't seem overwhelming. I think it starts with who you are as a woman, your commitment to not only living a life of gutsiness and courage but also helping others to do that and and showing kindness for the struggles that other people have and then it kind of goes to what you do in school and how you feel about the opportunities that girls and women have and that you are willing to stand up and speak out to claim those for yourself and claim those for other girls. And to stand against bullying and insulting and stereotyping. Just start really personal, really local and then move it up. If you could almost have a pyramid of actions. And how then you know who you vote for makes a difference.”